Solved: digital envelope routines::unsupported

Shashank Sharma
1 min readOct 22, 2021


This is not a story but moreover a time saver guide for the developers.


In React JS project, we need to change the scripts in the package.json:


package.json [Before]


package.json [After]


In Angular project change the scripts in package.json


package.json [Before]


package.json [After]

But why we are doing this?

We are having this problem due to nodeJS version? webpack version? or is there any other reason.

In Node 17.0.0 or later, nodeJS introduced more node options and if you have updated your node version to the v17 or later, then you may get this issue. Most of the libraries and frameworks, uses webpack internally as dependency, and due to webpack we are getting this issue.

Issue Code: ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED, which means Open SSL certificate legacy issue in the legacy version.

For developers: Please use Node LTS version which is recommended by the NodeJS also and if you are an advanced developer, then you can download the latest version.

Links for the reference:

  1. Node Option (Open SSL option, introduced in V17)
  2. Issue raised on Webpack github repo



Shashank Sharma
Shashank Sharma

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